1. It proofed to the muslim world that America is too weak to be called Superpower.
2. It triggered a war of ideology which has turned Afghanistan into a graveyard of the Crusaders (U.S. and N.A.T.O troops).
3. It created a sense of pride in the hearts and minds of faithfull muslims.
4. It ignited the spirit of Jihad in muslims across the globe.
5. It made religion (Islam) and religious group (muslims) capable of declaring and waging war-an act that was thought to be for Nations only.
6. It signalled the crash of the ''mighty'' economy of U.S.A. and subsequently led to the global economic reccession in 2008.
7. It made the yoths of Islam battle hardened as they are able to stand their ground against the largest military alliance and operations in the world. Perhaps, they are gaining victory in many fronts against the fiercest crusade in the history of their religion.

| Allahu Akbar! |